Wednesday, 25 November 2015

College Media Student joins as Head of Advertising for our team of Pipes & Drums Volunteers

The City of Rochester Pipe Band marching along the High Street during Gravesend Christmas Lights

Elisa takes a casual stroll through the woods near her home

In a recent restructure of the staffing for our Volunteer Pipes & Drums team, we have recently made a new appointment. We are delighted to introduce you to our Head of Advertising, Elisa Benaggoune. Elisa is a Media Student and studies at a Kent College, achieving high standards during her lessons. Her interest in media, coupled with a passion for music, lead her to ask for a role within our team. Elisa is responsible for promoting all news of major events we are involved in, and also the publication of new compositions. These are put out across most Social Media platforms, such as BlogSpot, Twitter and Instagram.

Elisa released her first post with great enthusiasm, advertising the City of Rochester Pipe Band's part in the Santa Fun Run Parade last Saturday. Senior Adviser Sheila Showell has spoken highly of Elisa's first post, commenting that it persuaded her Daughter and Granddaughter to take part.
We are delighted that Elisa is feeling so welcome and we are very excited to be working with her. Our team, Elisa included, will be attending a number of events throughout the year to promote the organisations we are involved with. We look forward to seeing you all and would like to wish Elisa the very best of luck in her role, and we hope that she will have an enjoyable time with us.

Yours Aye,

Christopher Nelson
Assistant Musical Adviser